Wednesday, 24 August 2011

NYC baby!

New york was not love at first sight for me. But slowly it grew on me with its beauty hidden everywhere and your interest leads you to those places.. There are SO many things to see- museums, galleries, broadway shows, famous buildings, people performing on the streets, fantastic layout of roads, starbucks every corner, stalls selling hot dogs, gigantic drinks to lovely paintings and photographs, and mainly just people from everywhere walking super fast like they always have busy things to do! 

Amongst all this chaotic beauty lies this HUGE Central park where you find kids playing with their family and dogs, ducks swimming, abundance of greenery, happiness and love in the air! I walked with Amma from Met to meet the others near this castle. We walked amongst traffic and hurrying people and then suddenly we enter this park and we find it so calm and relaxed. Its like you are meditating in Mount road :P

I simply loved this place. I sketched for a bit and made this watercolor painting after my return.